Wrist Point Detection (Building from scratch)


Write a deep learning algorithm/ architecture to detect the (x, y) coordinates of the wrist points as shown in the snapshot below for real-time application.


Final Output:

We could have done this using MediaPipe or other tools, but I wanted to do from scratch.

A collage of a person holding his hands up

Description automatically generated



80 images were taken and manually annotated and later using Data Augmentation Pipeline per image 45 augmented images were created for each.

·        Test

·        Train

·        Val

Total no. of images 3600 images in each folder

Each folder contains Images and Labels subfolders.

Initially the image size from camera was 640 x 480, later it was reduced to 250 x 250.

The label was also transformed and made compatible with 250 x 250 and was normalized.                                                                                                                                      

A diagram of a computer program

Description automatically generatedArchitecture:

The input shape was 250 x 250.

Used Transfer Learning over ResNet152V2 and adjusted

the weights.

And the output shape was one dimensional with 8 values.

8 values represented the

X1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 coordinates 4 points mentioned.

A person holding up their hand

Description automatically generated


Learning Graph:

A graph with blue and orange lines

Description automatically generated

The model converged after 2nd epoch, and I haven’t implemented EarlyStopping so it remain consistent for 10 epochs.



The real challenge was creating the dataset and annotation the dataset and what kind of annotation to do, so after doing some research I settled with Keyframe annotation and used the keyframe to save in csv and later converted into Json.


Normalization was a bit tricky and later augmentation and verification of keyframe added more complexity.


Training images even on GTX 1650 took a lot of time and after several crashes I was finally able to train the model and verify the accuracy of the model and test out on real dataset.


File Structure:

app.py – for running the code on video.

wrist_estimator.ipynb – Complete walkdown of model designing

data_convert.ipynb – For converting the data and creating the dataset



-        Amit Yadav

-        amitech90@gmail.com

-        +91 7518844490

-        https://github.com/warriorwizard